15 research outputs found

    Inspiration of Technology; Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education

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    Just like every other virus, there is a recent outbreak of COVID-19 which hampers with the school academic activities. This virus been an influenza, epidemic and airborne disease had affected a lot of lives, affecting national economy as well as shutting down all schools at all levels. Thus, there is a need to introduce technologies which can help students continue with their learning from their different isolation centres. The present study investigated (i) various technologies that can be used for learning from their isolation centres; (ii) influence of these technologies in combating the learning gaps established by COVID-19; and (iii) readiness of students to use these technologies. It was concluded that mobile learning, google classroom, webinar zoom application and web-based authoring system among others can be used to resolve the academic activity crisis established via the pandemic but clustered teaching is apt for those without access to versatile technologies and electricity power supply. Thus, if these technologies are utilized by students and teachers for both the teaching and learning process, there could be tremendous improvement in the academic performance of students as well as job performance of the teachers across all levels of education

    Determinant of Students’ Academic Triumph via Class Attendance

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    The study investigated the influence of students’ attendance for lecture on their academic performance and the interactive effect of students’ IQ on students’ academic achievement. The study adopted a true experimental treatment design. 30 computer science students and 50 educational technology students were purposively sampled. Four educational technology lecturers from the department of educational technology, University of Ilorin validated the lesson plan and the performance test that covered the content on a selected Educational Technology concept. Mean and percentage were used to answer the research questions. For hypothesis testing, pearson product moment correlation (PPMC) was used to test hypothesis one while Hypothesis two was analyzed using ANCOVA. All hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings established that there was significant influence of class attendance on their academic performance but there was no significant interactive effect of students’ IQ on students’ academic achievement. The study concluded that students who attended class regularly perform better than those who do not

    Undergraduate Students’ Utilization of Technologies for Self-Regulated Learning in Kwara State

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    Self-Regulated Learning is a method of learning in which a learner sets goals, controls and manages his learning as well as evaluating himself. Despite numerous benefits of utilization of technology-oriented strategies for learning, studies have shown that the adoptions are often poorly adopted for use. The objectives of this study therefore were to investigate undergraduate students’ utilization of technologies for SRL; and influence of gender, academic level; and school proprietorship on the utilization of technologies for SRL. This study adopted the descriptive design of quantitative survey type. The sample comprised 389 respondents across federal, state and private universities in Kwara state. Researcher-designed questionnaire was used to collect data. The instrument was validated by three lecturers and was tested for reliability. The value using crombach alpha was 0.85 on Utilization. Data collected were analyzed and tested using frequency count, mean, t-test and ANOVA while Scheffe’s post-hoc was used to indicate the direction of significant differences at 0.05significant level. The findings established that undergraduate students utilize blog, Facebook, bookmark, google calendar and wiki technologies for SRL. There was no significant difference between undergraduate students’ utilization of technologies for SRL based on gender, school proprietorship and students’ academic level. The study concluded that It is therefore necessary to introduce students to learning strategies that is student-centered. This implies that students’ performance could increase if they utilize technologies for SRL. It was recommended that Students in Nigerian universities should be encouraged to always integrate appropriate technologies for SRL in their learning proces

    Stimulus of Specialization on Postgraduate Students’ Application of Mobile Technologies for Learning

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    Most students could be adopting the mobile technologies available but may not be for learning purposes. This study investigated the postgraduate students’ application of mobile technologies for learning and examined the differences in the application of mobile technologies by postgraduate students based on their area of specialization. The study was a quantitative research design. The population comprised all postgraduates’ students in Nigeria out of which 750 of them were purposively sampled across eleven universities based on accessibility. The data for the study was gathered using a Researchers-developed questionnaire. Statistical form of Mean was used to answer the research questions while Kruskal Wallis H-Test was used to test the hypothesis. A coefficient reliability of 0.87 was obtained on the instrument. The finding among others were that, postgraduate students in the information and communication specialization apply mobile technologies for their learning and research more than other postgraduate students’ counterparts; and there was significant difference among postgraduate student’ utilization of mobile technologies for learning and research purposes based on specialization. The study concluded that, the thoughtful utilization of mobile technologies by postgraduates could be of enormous benefit towards their learning within and outside the classroom settings and also facilitate their research knowledge, training and skills. It was however recommended among others that most of the course lectures by postgraduate students as well as their research should be embedded in mobile technologies

    University Students’ Demeanour Towards the Utilization of Electronic Resources for Learning

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    Students' learning will be aided by the use of e-resources. The study's goals were to: (i) examine undergraduates' demeanour toward using E-resources for learning; (ii) determine the difference between male and female undergraduates' demeanour toward using E-resources for learning; (iii) determine the difference between male and female undergraduates' demeanour towards using E-resources for learning based on specialization; and (iv) examine the difference in undergraduates' demeanour towards using E-resources for learning based on specialization. The survey approach of descriptive research was used by the researcher. For this study, 200 questionnaires were sampled and sent to University of Ilorin students. The obtained data was analyzed using frequency and percentages. The study's findings indicated that undergraduates had a positive demeanour about using e-resources for learning. In addition, there were no significant differences in demeanour about using e-resources for learning among undergraduates depending on gender or level. In addition, there is a considerable variation in undergraduate demeanour regarding using e-resources for learning dependent on Faculty. E-resources, such as e-library, are the most recent development in information technology, according to the research, and they are accessible in a variety of formats, including e-books, online journal magazines, e-learning tutors, online tests, digital, and e-library. As a result, school managers were advised to fully equip schools with excellent internet infrastructure in order to promote flexible online services among student

    Undergraduate Students’ Intention to Utilize Flipped Classroom Strategy for Learning

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    This study investigated undergraduate students’ intention to utilize the flipped classroom (FC) for learning, as well as the influence of gender and school ownership on its use for learning. The sample comprised of 1800 university students selected randomly crosswise the campuses in south-west in Nigeria. (of which country area of country) A fractious-segment survey kind was employed using the researcher-developed questionnaire. The research instrument was validated by six experts and pilot tested on 50 students of the University of Ilorin. The result of the reliability of the research instrument (the result of what) was 0.82 which makes the instrument highly reliable. Hypothesis one was tested employing t-test and the second hypothesis with Analysis of variance. The results via this study established that students had good intentions towards the use of FC for learning; no momentous change between male and female students’ intention to the usage of FC for education; and school ownership influence students’ use of FC for learning

    Students Exploring Educational E-learning Technology of Podcasts on Fine Arts Instruction in Nigeria Universities

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    The podcast is an e-learning technology which came into existence asresult of digital age, to dissimilates information but it has evolved tobecome as powerful media of instruction globally. Despite its usefulnessand relevance to the educational context, the awareness and utilise inaiding learning have not been established. Therefore, the study examinedthe effectiveness of Podcast and Lecture strategies on the undergraduatestudents of fine arts. The study also looked into how moderatingvariables of gender and attitude have the influence on fine arts whenPodcasts is used as an instructional strategy. Purposive SamplingTechnique was employed to select two study centres of University ofAdo Ekiti, Nigeria. 40 undergraduate from two intact classes to Podcastsand lecture instructional group. Podcast and Fine Arts Achievement Test(FAAT) were used as treatment while t-test statistics were used for dataanalysis. Findings indicated that undergraduate students taught fine artsusing podcast performed better and students exposed to Podcastslearning strategy had a positive attitude to fine arts. However, students'gender had no influence on their performance. Based on the findings, itwas recommended that fine arts lecturers should be encouraged to usePodcasts to improve students’ cognitive and affective earning outcomesof fine arts

    Interactive Effect of Score Levels on Students’ Performance in Social Studies

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    Perkembangan teknologi di era modern dapat membantu guru belajar tentang lingkungan belajar yang kolaboratif. Teknologi dapat memotivasi siswa dan memungkinkan mereka untuk terlibat pada tingkat yang sama sekali berbeda dari sebelumnya, itu juga meningkatkan pengalaman akademik siswa. Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh interaktif tingkat skor terhadap prestasi belajar IPS siswa. Pengujian data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan uji ANOVA pada 29 SMP. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menguji pengaruh interaktif tingkat skor audio visual terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen terhadap 21 siswa SMP yang dijadikan sampel untuk menguji audio visual. Temuan menetapkan bahwa audio-visual meningkatkan kinerja akademik siswa dalam studi sosial. Tidak ada pengaruh interaktif yang signifikan dari tingkat skor pada kinerja siswa dalam IPS. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa audio-visual meningkatkan kinerja studi sosial siswa terlepas dari tingkat skor mereka. Oleh karena itu direkomendasikan bahwa guru IPS harus didorong untuk menggunakan alat bantu audio-visual karena memberikan pembelajaran yang lebih bermakna bagi siswa. Selain itu, Pemerintah harus memperkerjakan guru yang berkualitas dan terampil untuk mengajar mata kuliah, dan perencana kurikulum harus berhati-hati dalam merancang materi untuk mengajar IPS. Kata Kunci: Efek Interaktif; Tingkat Skor; Audio-Visual; Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa; Penelitian Sosial.   Abstract Technological developments in the modern era may help teachers learn about a collaborative learning environment. Technology can motivate students and allow them to be engaged on a completely different level than they have ever before. It also increases student academic experience. This study examined the interactive effect of score levels on students' social studies performance. The data testing in this study was carried out with the ANOVA test on 29 junior secondary schools. This research was conducted by examining the interactive effect of the audio-visual score level on students' academic achievement in social studies subjects. The study employs an experimental research method of these 21 junior secondary school students sampled to test the audio-visual. The findings established that audio-visual improves students' academic performance in social studies. There was no significant interactive effect of score levels on students' performance in social studies. The study concluded that audio-visual improves students' social studies performance irrespective of their score levels. It was thus recommended that social studies teachers be encouraged to use audio-visual aids as it gives more meaningful learning to students. Besides, the Government should employ qualified and well-skilled teachers to teach the course, and the curriculum planner must be careful in designing material to teach social studies

    Undergraduate Awareness and Perception on the Use of Digital Collaborative Tools in Facilitating Learning in Selected Universities within the Ilorin Metropolis

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    The study identified the Digital Collaborative Tools used for learning among undergraduates; (i) determined undergraduates’ awareness on the use of these tools for learning; (ii) ascertained undergraduates’ perception of their use for learning; (iii) identified challenges faced on the use of Digital Collaborative Tools for learning; (iv) ascertained coping strategies of integrating these tools for learning in Ilorin metropolis; and (v) examined the influence of gender on undergraduates’ awareness of Digital Collaborative Tools for learning in Ilorin metropolis. The research adopted a descriptive research design of the survey type. The population is comprised of all undergraduate students in the Ilorin metropolis. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select 200 students and a researcher-designed questionnaire was used to elicit objective responses from the subjects. Frequency counts, percentages, and mean scores were used to analyze the research questions while t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were employed in testing the hypotheses. The findings of this study were that Digital Collaborative Tools were used for learning among undergraduates. The study recommended that male and female teachers are to redirect their focus on the utilization of digital collaborative tools for learning

    Experts Evaluation of Flex Billboard On Study Technology for Teaching and Learning

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    There is a need for a method that will shift the attention to the learners, while the lecturers play the role of facilitator of learning. One of the methods that can promote this learning style is Study Technology. Study technology is a student-centered learning technique that helps the learner to study successfully by providing solutions to all barriers encountered in the process of studying. This study investigated experts’ Evaluation of flex billboard on study technology for teaching and learning. The findings established that the flex billboard is efficient to create an awareness on study technology and it can be operated without the use of electric power supply. It was however recommended that curriculum planner should include in its curriculum, orientation programmer for the pupils on study technology as this will aid or enhance learning process